Petey: The new ChatGPT Apple Watch app

To all Brizaro members, here is the new thing in the apple ecosystem. Petey: The new ChatGPT app for the Apple Watch is here. Petey is an Apple Watch AI assistant software that employs ChatGPT. It is an OpenAI programme, to provide users responses that are similar to those of a human being. The App Store is cracking down on apps containing “GPT” in their titles as it is a registered trademark of OpenAI. The app was formerly known as watchGPT but has since been renamed to Petey. Using speech-to-text, users may communicate with Petey and hear its responses read back in a cuddly robot voice. Also, they can SMS or email its AI responses to others.

Without having to type, users can create longer messages or rapidly receive responses to their questions with Petey. Users may tap the watch face to launch the AI chatbot instead of navigating through menus. It can be easily set up as an Apple Watch complication for quick access. The Apple App Store charges $3.99 for the app.

Petey is comparable to Siri in that it allows users to conduct short online searches while on the go and voice-outs the findings. Petey, in contrast to Siri, employs ChatGPT to deliver more human-like responses. Users must an OpenAI account in order to use ChatGPT on Petey or any other device.

Petey: The new ChatGPT app for the Apple Watch
Petey: The new ChatGPT app for the Apple Watch

How does Petey differ from Siri ?

With the help of the third-party software Petey, voice-to-text chats using OpenAI’s ChatGPT are made possible on the Apple Watch. The built-in virtual assistant of Apple, Siri, can do a variety of things, like setting reminders, sending messages, and placing phone calls. Petey and Siri are both AI assistants, yet they each have unique ideas and capabilities. While Siri has a wider range of functionality and can communicate with other Apple devices, Petey focuses on giving people short answers to their questions or creating lengthy messages without typing.

Can Petey generate messages in languages other than English?

It is unclear from the provided search results whether Petey can generate messages in languages other than English. The primary function of the software is to generate lengthy messages without typing or to quickly answer queries. Remind, CDC Resources, Typeform, and AWS Amazon are a few such tools and resources that can translate messages into many languages.

We hope you liked the article on Petey: The new ChatGPT app for the Apple Watch.

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