The Extinction of Dinosaurs: What Happened to Prehistoric Giants?

We have always been fascinated by dinosaurs, the enormous reptile creatures that once inhabited the earth. They originally appeared about 230 million years ago, controlled the planet for more than 160 million years, and then abruptly vanished from the fossil record about 66 million years ago. What caused the extinction of Dinosaurs ? What Happened to Prehistoric Giants? How did dinosaurs go extinct is a question that has baffled scientists for a long time.

There are several theories that attempt to explain the demise of the dinosaurs. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

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1. Asteroid Impact Theory

The asteroid impact theory is also known as the Alvarez hypothesis. It suggests that a massive asteroid or comet collided with the earth. It resulted in causing a catastrophic event that wiped out the dinosaurs. This notion is further supported by a layer of sediment that has been discovered all over the planet. This layer of sediment contains significant amounts of the rare element iridium, which is present in meteorites.

The Extinction of Dinosaurs: 1. Asteroid Impact Theory
Image credit: Stocktrek Images/Getty Images

2. Volcanic Eruptions

Another theory claims that the extinction of the dinosaurs may have been caused by volcanic explosions. Several significant volcanic eruptions that occurred in the late Cretaceous period produced enormous amounts of gases and ash that were expelled into the atmosphere. This would have had the effect of chilling the entire planet, lowering the temperature and reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the surface.

The dinosaurs would have suffered greatly from the colder temperatures and less sunlight, which would have made it difficult for them to find food and eventually resulted in extinction.

The Extinction of Dinosaurs
Image credit: Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library/Getty Images

3. Climate Change

It is also thought that climate change caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The earth’s temperature was warm and humid throughout the late Cretaceous period, and the atmosphere contained large amounts of carbon dioxide. However, as time went on, the environment started to cool and the carbon dioxide levels dropped.

It would have been challenging for the dinosaurs to adjust to the shifting environment and survive as a result of this cooling trend.

The Extinction of Dinosaurs
Credit: Brian Switek

The actual cause of the dinosaurs’ extinction may never be known. But the evidence points to a number of causes that most likely contributed to it. Although the asteroid impact scenario is the most often accepted explanation, there are other possibilities as well.

Whatever the cause of the dinosaurs’ extinction, there is no denying that they had a spectacular time on earth. They ruled for more than 160 million years and left behind an amazing legacy that still fascinates and enthralls us now.

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